Introducing the New What’s Trending

What's Trending newsletter

Newsletter subscribers can expect this free Industry 4.0 resource to hit their inboxes every second Wednesday of each month, except this month (of course).

If you’ve waited by your inbox wondering when the next issue of What’s Trending will arrive with new information about Industry 4.0, you’re not alone.

TrendMiner’s newsletter needed a spring cleaning. We’ve made some changes, but not too many. More important, we’ve established a regular schedule for its release and brought the publication back to its roots. Just so you don’t forget to check your inbox, we are providing you with the first issue during the same week we turn clocks ahead for spring.New top of WT

Moving forward, you can expect your What’s Trending newsletter to arrive on time each month with relevant information to help you succeed.

We’d like to tell you about what has changed, what has stayed the same, and what you can expect in your next issue. And if you do not subscribe, now is a great time to get this free resource.

What’s Trending: More News Coverage

If your first thought is that we are going to produce more newsletters, you guessed wrong. We are scheduling fewer. Don’t be fooled by the numbers. It’s what’s inside each issue that counts.

What's Trending blog section

Delivering relevant, fresh, and engaging content on a biweekly basis always has been a What’s Trending challenge. We want to bring you information that comes from reliable, third-party sources and not just what’s stirring in the weeds at TrendMiner stables.

With a monthly publication, we will be able to provide more relevant topics for our readers. Our stories will include:

  • Broad content about advanced industrial data analytics that is relevant to process manufacturers, from reliable third-party sources.
  • Public and private studies about IIoT from universities and consultants.
  • Scientific studies and reports on advanced data analytics for industries.
  • Industry-specific articles regarding digitalization and the advantages of using advanced data analytics to solve process anomalies.

We also will provide information in What’s Trending to help our subscribers evolve their digital strategies to meet business objectives. Among them are:

WT Events Section
What's Trending Extras
  • Sustainable practices.
  • Opportunities for continuous education.
  • Insights to improve operational performance.
  • The latest releases of TrendMiner software.
  • Featured blog posts and industry articles from TrendMiner’s subject matter experts.
  • International, national, and regional in-person tradeshows and other events, as well as online webinars for industry professionals.

What’s Trending: Regular Schedule

Another improvement? What’s Trending will come to your inbox on a regular schedule that is right on the tick.

The newsletter will be delivered to your inbox by 4 p.m. your local time on the second Wednesday of every month.

What's Trending on time

But with every rule comes an exception, right? To align our relaunch with the changing of the seasons, we chose to release the first of the new newsletters on the third Wednesday of March – right between the day we change our clocks ahead and the spring equinox. What’s Trending, Vol. 2, Issue 1, will release Wednesday, March 16.

The rest of the year becomes more normal. Look for Issue 2 to arrive April 13. We’ll reset the volume each year starting in January 2023, and you’ll get 12 issues per year.

We hope that by providing a free information service to keep you up to date on what’s trending in the industry will inspire you along your digital journey.

Without further ado, we bring you the improved What’s Trending newsletter. Happy Analyzing!

Get the latest information on Industry 4.0 delivered to your mailbox each month.

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