About CP Kelco
CP Kelco, part of J.M Huber Corporation, is a leading producer of speciality hydrocolloids with offices and facilities across the globe. Their speciality hydtocolloids are used as a water-based thickener or stabilizer in a large variety of products. In addition, CP Kelco leverages its capabilities to bring concepts and ideas to real-workd products in a broad range of applications.
About CP Kelco
CP Kelco, part of J.M Huber Corporation, is a leading producer of speciality hydrocolloids with offices and facilities across the globe. Their speciality hydtocolloids are used as a water-based thickener or stabilizer in a large variety of products. In addition, CP Kelco leverages its capabilities to bring concepts and ideas to real-workd products in a broad range of applications.
CP Kelco Success Story
How industrial analytics transforms them to face the future
Norman Ridgley works as Senior Manager Operational Excellence at CP Kelco globally. In his presentation at PI World 2018, Norman will discuss how TrendMiner’s self-service analytics on top of OSIsoft PI helps their production facility to gain deeper insight in operational performance.
Solution and Implementation
CP Kelco uses TrendMiner to
Get deeper insights into operational performance
TrendMiner helped CP Kelco to visualize and draw conclusions from their time-series data. It helped them to perfrom root-cause analysis without complex data modeling techniques to assess what causes deviations against best operational performance.
Analyze based on exceptions to drive simplicity
Researching all situations that deviate from standard operational practice with self-service analytics helps CP Kelco to make meaningful improvements that have the largest impact on their operational perfromance.
Promote organic growth across sites sharing success
In order to maximize the utilization of data, the team decided that their process engineers needed to be trained properly. They want to promote the use of advanced industrial analytics in their organization.
Download CP Kelco Success Story
Get even more insights into how Norman Ridgley, Sr. Manager Operational Excellence, gained deeper insight into their operational performances, ultimately leading to potential yearly savings of $1 million.