Process experts used TrendMiner to identify inlet and steam flow timeframes and help control steam loss in a two-part filtration process.

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Before starting a root cause analysis to set up new monitors and alerts, engineers used TrendMiner to calculate steam balance.

A drop in sulfur recovery could have environmental and regulatory effects, so engineers used TrendMiner to save this solution for the future.

Engineers used TrendMiner to create condition-based monitoring of fouling in a Pygas stripper so they knew the right time to clean.

This petrochemical plant used TrendMiner to create energy balance models and determine when 17 bar steam consumption was excessive.

When a low-density polyethylene reactor suddenly shutdown after maintenance, engineers used TrendMiner to determine it was human error.

Engineers used TrendMiner to learn when to clean the aeration elements used in biological wastewater treatment despite a high variance of variables.