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TrendMiner Summer Info Series

TrendMiner’s Summer Info Series is dedicated to bringing you short demo sessions, mini-webinars, Q&As – you name it. Each session we’ll present a new topic or focus on a different TrendMiner functionality – and in multiple languages. At the end of each session, you will have the chance to submit your ideas for future session topics.

Session #1 – How to Speed Up Root Cause Analysis 

When there is a process problem, you need answers fast. In our first session, we will use TrendMiner’s advanced search capabilities, combined with our unique recommendation engine, to demonstrate how to quickly determine the root cause of a temperature spike, a common occurrence among process operations.

Watch on Demand:

English Language Version >

Spanish Language Version >

Session #2 – Embrace the Power of Contextual Information / Die Macht kontextualisierter Informationen

Friday, Aug 7 | 3 PM CEST

In this German-language session we will show you how to leverage Contextual Information via TrendMiner’s Context Hub to quickly find what you are looking for. The information stored in Context Hub makes it a breeze to visualise the information in TrendHub where we will be able to create fingerprints of desired behaviour and comparing deviating batch-profiles to learn more what is going wrong in your process.

In dieser Folge beschäftigen wir uns mit dem wirkungsvollen Einsatz von TrendMiner’s Contextub und wie Sie Ihre Prozessinformationen kontextbezogen in Beziehung zu Ihren Kampagnen, Batches und weiteren Prozessschritten setzen und analysieren können. Lernen Sie die Wechselwirkung mit unserem TrendHub kennen und wie einfach es sein kann, diese Informationen zu visualisieren und gemäss Ihren Anforderungen anzuwenden!

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