TrendMiner Pilot Overview
TrendMiner is a self-service process analytics platform. Through an intuitive web-based trend client, TrendMiner offers process engineers and other plant subject matter experts innovative discovery, diagnostic and predictive analytics functionality, without the support of a data scientist. This functionality, combined with strategically important knowledge capturing possibilities, unlocks the full potential of both available plant data and key resource intelligence.
To support a successful pilot, TrendMiner’s Customer Success team has developed an onboarding program based on early creation of first value and gradual increase of the usage. This document outlines the different phases of the program.
Phase 1: Prepare
The preparation phase aims at starting off the pilot under the best possible circumstances. It comprises:
● Installation and configuration of the software by customer
● Identification of pilot goals
● Identification and preparation of key users
● Project kick-off
Installation and configuration of the software
At the start of the pilot project, the complete installation manual will be sent to the customer responsible for installation. The necessary files can be downloaded from the TrendMiner download pages, for which the credentials will be provided. Technical support during the installation is available upon request via your Customer Success Manager or directly via or our support portal (
Once the installation is complete, it will be validated via a remote meeting with one of our engineers to ensure everything is set up correctly and good performance can be expected during the subsequent pilot phases.
Identification of pilot goals
A TrendMiner pilot aims at exploring the added value of analytics through the use of TrendMiner and proving the value of the software by solving concrete use cases. To enable close follow-up of the project results, the Customer Success Manager will discuss the specific pilot goals with the project sponsor and/or project manager at the start of the project. These goals will be communicated to the key players during the kick-off meeting and used as a handle during intermediate evaluation meetings.
The discussion on the pilot goals can be based on the following example.
Pilot goals, defined at project start (example)
- At least 2 people get significant value from TrendMiner
- A significant number of users uses TrendMiner on at least a weekly basis
- TrendMiner showed to be a mature analytics partner
Typically, the value part will center around the most important topics for the company. Good understanding of these topics helps the Customer Success Manager support the key users in addressing good use cases.
Identification and preparation of key users
The key users will play a central role during the pilot. TrendMiner will work with them intensively during the hands-on sessions to get them to know the basics of the software and create first value. Furthermore, TrendMiner will stay in close contact with these users to expand their TrendMiner knowledge and skills, and to measure the progress of the pilot. To maximize the chances on a successful onboarding, key users should adhere to and be selected based on the following profile. The number of key users should be limited to 3 to ensure maximum efficiency during the hands-on sessions (i.e. absolute focus on first value).
Key user profile
Job description
- Involved in problem-solving or improvement projects
- Working with time series data on regular basis (preferably daily)
- Solid process knowledge
Understanding the company’s challenges
Analytics aware
- Willingness to improve
- Willingness to share
Key users will attend the kick-off meeting and receive a starter kit containing an introduction to the software and inspiration for use cases via e-mail prior to the hands-on sessions. Based on the input during the kick-off and preparation, our analytics engineers will be able to tailor the sessions to the needs and interests of the key users.
Key users need to be given user accounts and the necessary permissions prior to the hands-on sessions.
Project kick-off
Finally, a remote kick-off meeting will be organized to align all key players in the project. The kick-off meeting aims at:
- Getting a view of the project team from both sides
- Getting agreement on defined pilot goals
- Presenting the typical onboarding and training approach
- Making arrangements around reporting and communication
On top of technical support as further defined in the underlying TrendMiner software license and maintenance agreement, TrendMiner offers Functional Support, throughout all phases of the pilot program.
Functional support
TrendMiner users will have direct access to the user manual via the Help Center of the software when access is not restricted by customer’s IT. The user manual can also be found at
Functional questions can be raised via the support chat in the Help Center or by directly contacting one of our analytics engineers.
Users experiencing problems while using the software can reach out via the support chat or create a support ticket directly from the Help Center.