Live Webinar

How to Get the Digital Transformation Right (This Time)

Lessons From Three Decades of Industry Experience

Wed, Jun 30, 2021 | 9 AM CT | 4 PM CEST

The current high profile of digital transformation in board rooms and in the media should not eclipse the historical precedents: some industries have been integrating data science, artificial intelligence and robotics in their production workflows for several decades already.

Oil and gas exploration and production is such an industry, and the engineers and geoscientists who have been using these tools have accumulated experiences of great relevance to the on-going transformation. Knowing about and understanding the common hits and misses of these first digital decades should enable us to better allocate our resources, and increase the success rate and business impact of the upcoming digital transformation projects.

For many people the concept of digital transformation within industrial organizations is vague, and the benefits are unclear. In free this webinar hosted by the International Society of Automation, TrendMiner Customer Success Manager Daniel Münchrath will:

  • Take you beyond the hype and buzzwords
  • Explain why it is necessary in today’s evolving landscape
  • Explain why analytics projects fail (and how to succeed) and
  • Demonstrate how you can start leveraging all of the industrial data being generated for both quick wins and long-term success.

Join us for a free webinar aimed to give you a sneak peak at ISA’s Digital Transformation Virtual Conference on August 2, 2021.